set gDates = [[], [0, 0, 0, "The Sunday Times, Feb 10, 1974"], [0, "The Times, June 8, 1961", 0, 0, "The Times, July 5, 1923"]]
set gName = getat(["Jung"],1)
NOTE TO ZAPA: RUN THIS NUGGET OVER CUTTING 2.4#Jung believed that every psychological manifestation has a repressed opposite side: men have a female side, women a male side; the ego (civilized consciousness) has a shadow (its dark, inferior, animal side)#One of Jung's fascinations was 'synchronicity', meaningful coincidences, as when you think of a person and they knock at the door. In such occurrences he saw the power of the unconscious mind at work#NOTE TO ZAPA: RUN THIS NUGGET OVER CUTTING 3.5#"As far as we can discern," said Jung, "the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being"#"Solitude is for me a fount of healing which makes my life worth living."#"We know nothing of man, far too little. His psyche should be studied because we are the origin of all coming evil."